Indian Myna
Soiling of rooves
Nests are unsightly
Typical Pigeon nest
Bird Mite problems


The feral pigeon is the number one urban pest bird, with several traits that have allowed it to dominate the urban landscape. Pigeons were domesticated by the Romans over two thousand years ago and because of this pigeons are not generally scared of people. Introduced to Australia early in our history they roost and nest readily in man made structures and their diet is diverse.

Sparrows, Starlings and Indian Mynas were also introduced to Australia and seem to have spread quickly along major roads connecting our towns, particularly in Eastern states. All three species are well adapted to urban life, utilising the abundance of food and nesting sites available in our cities and suburbs.

Indian Mynas and Starlings are noted for their aggressive behavior toward our incumbent native species driving them out of their territories. Large scale flocks of these birds are commonly seen and heard and may overwhelm buildings and trees. Large scale buildup of feces is common and the uric acid in the feces can corrode stone, metal and masonry.

All the above species of birds pose a serious health risk due to bacteria, fungal agents and parasites that can be found in their feces. Try to avoid contact with and the inhalation of the dust of all bird feces.


Professional pest controllers have many tools and materials available to them for the control of pest birds. Nesting and roosting habits can be permanently modified by careful placement of proofing or the installation of “shock” or “scare” technology. If necessary your pest controller may even recommend a program of “euthanasia” by way of trapping, poisoning or shooting.
Please consider carefully before attempting your own pest control. Remember……