Webbing Moth Larva
Webbing Clothes Moth
Case Making Clothes Moth
Case Moth Larva


Golden buff in colour without any other markings, and fringed wings. Wingspan up to 12 mm. Larvae grow up to 10 mm long.

Larvae are creamy white with a dark head, and often will be found in a network of associated webbing, which may hide their presence. Larvae do not have cases.
A very destructive and widespread pest of organic materials.


Silvery buff in colour with dark spots and fringed wings. Dark spots may be indistinct and/or varied. Wingspan up to 12 mm.Larvae make and carry their own case to live in, made of silk mixed with fibres of the materials they have been feeding on. A very destructive and widespread pest of organic materials.


Extensive damage is caused by both the case-making and web-making clothes moths. Materials of animal origin such as wool, hair and fur which may be in articles like carpets, rugs, felt, upholstered furniture and blankets are eaten and damaged, often going undetected until much damage has been done. Replacement of these ruined items is a costly business, and best avoided by regular examination of stored materials.


Methods for the control of clothes moths are similar to those methods employed to control carpet beetles and silverfish.
A thorough inspection to ascertain the source and the extent of infestation is the first step. Follow this by removing infested materials, discarding if very damaged. Items you wish to salvage may be washed in very hot water (60 degrees plus) and /or  placed in a plastic bag in the sun to kill any remaining larvae and eggs.Goods to be stored should be cleaned and sealed in plastic bags. Careful application of an approved insecticide in areas and on products that are either infested or likely to be infested will be of great advantage.Finally the treatment must be backed up by a routine of high level hygiene and housekeeping.


Silver-grey in colour with slender flattened body resembling the shape of a fish, tapering to the back and growing up to 15 mm long. Silverfish have a long life cycle for an insect; up to 3 years.
Silverfish are a primitive species, their young being similar in structure to the adults, just smaller. In Australia over 25 species have been described, with at least 5 of these species that have invaded our homes successfully.
Silverfish are mostly nocturnal and do not favour light conditions, and therefore may go unnoticed until damage to books, clothes, rugs and carpets is obvious.


Book bindings, stored paper, photographs and most types of human foodstuff are readily attacked and damaged. Clothes, cotton, linen, glue, wallpaper and other starchy materials will be attractive to these pests.
Typically silverfish will be found in roof voids, sub-floor spaces and virtually any other accessible crack, crevice and cavity within our homes.
Being nocturnal we usually only see them when they are trapped in slippery-surfaced basins and baths…
Please consider carefully before attempting your own pest control. Remember……