Spider Extermination Services for the Sydney Area

Black House Spider
Colour: Dark brown to black.
Body length: 15-18 mm
Bite: Toxic producing nausea, pain and sweating.
Garden Wolf Spider
Colour: Patterned in many shades of brown and grey.
Body length: 20-35 mm or more.
Bite: Toxic, causing pain, infection and skin lesions.
Redback Spider
Colour: Black with red, yellow or white marks on back.
Body length: 3-14 mm.
Bite: Very Toxic, attacks nervous system.
Brown Trapdoor Spider
Colour: Browns, quite hairy.
Body length: 30 mm or more.
Bite: Not Toxic Inland varieties may be toxic.
Huntsman Spider
Colour: Great variety from red-brown, yellow-ochre, grey, dark and light markings.
Body length: 20 mm or more.
Bite: Not toxic but its bite causes local swelling, burning and itching.
Daddy-Long-Legs Spider
Colour: Light brown.
Body length: 7-9 mm. Very small body with long spindly legs.
Bite: Not Toxic, rarely bites.
Mouse Spider (male)
Colour:May be dark brown or coloured in red, yellow, blue.
Body length:20 mm or more.
Bite: Toxic causing local swelling, burning and itching.
Red Mouse Spider (male)
Colour:Male often red, yellow and blue.
Body length:20 mm or more.
Bite: Toxic causing local swelling, burning and itching.
Brown Recluse Spider
Colour:Light-Dark browns.
Body Length:7-8 mm.
Bite: Very Toxic causing headaches, nausea and sometimes ulcerating lesions.
White Tail Spider
Colour: Grey to black, white mark on end of abdomen.
Body length: 12-15 mm.
Bite: Toxic causing local pain, blistering, ulcerating lesions and tissue necrosis. (death of tissue)
Funnel Web Spider (female)
Colour:Glossy black.
Body length:20 mm or more.
Bite: Very Toxic causing local swelling, burning and itching.
Golden Orb Spider

Colour:Colourfully banded legs, silver-grey body.

Body length:12-45 mm or more.
Bites: Non Toxic, rarely bites.

St Andrews Cross Spider
Colour:Banded legs and colourful body.
Body length:12-15 mm or more.
Bites: Non Toxic.


Webbing spiders present as quite a nuisance around the home as they create and position their webs in visible locations, detracting from the aesthetics of our buildings. Webbing spiders fulfill a much needed role by catching and eating many annoying garden pests (insects).

Webbing spiders locate their webs where fresh/live food is most plentiful, and this is often on the outside of our buildings. Bright lights left on at night will attract many flying insects including moths, and so spiders will utilise this by moving to these areas as well.

Spider bites are potentially serious and all spiders should be treated with respect. Spiders generally only bite when cornered or trapped. To avoid unnecessary bites always wear gloves and shoes when gardening. Do not leave toys outside overnight as spiders may take refuge in them.

Be alert particularly in the warmer months, as this is mating season for ground-dwelling spiders such as the Sydney Funnelweb spider, and they may wander into our yards looking for a mate.


Pest controllers are regularly called upon to treat for webbing spiders and occasionally for ground-dwelling spiders.

For webbing spiders the application of pesticide to all cracks and crevices where spiders are harbouring is required. Typically in a domestic situation all exterior wall cracks and crevices, eaves and gutters, fences, areas of landscaping and rockeries are treated. The inside and outside of the garage and garden shed are also treated.

Reasonable control levels are usually achieved with one application, lasting 6-12 months.

Ground-dwelling spiders are more difficult to control as blanket spraying of the ground is a misuse of pesticide and detrimental to the environment. Individual burrows must be located and treated directly for any chance of control.

Please consider carefully before attempting your own pest control. Remember……